
So how smart is this? Breanna was putting on the face plates in our newly finished sunroom (pictures to come soon!) and she couldn't get the cable end through the face plate. So...she thought it would be smart to pry the end of the cable off with her teeth. Nevermind the fact that she has a mouth full of braces! Leave it to Breanna.=)


Look at what evil thing arrived in my office today. So much for the diet....


So...this kitty showed up on our porch tonight. It has been hanging around the neighborhood this week. My husband looked at me like I had two heads when I told him we should keep it....lol! But, there is a happy ending. My neighbor across the street came over and took him/her/it.


Tyler lounging on my bed this morning. Please ignore the fact that it isn't made-- after all, who has time for that??!!


My son was giving me a hard time getting ready for bed, so I snapped a picture of him. Don't you love how he has taken the sheets off his bed? I have to fight with him to keep the sheets on! Go figure!?


My mom had dinner for us at her house tonight and made this. It is so good and easy to make!

1 Bag of pre-package broccoli slaw

2 Packages of chicken flavored ramen noodles (cook and set flavoring packs aside)

Mix the above and add the dressing

Dressing -

2 flavoring packs from noodles

3/4 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of white vinegar

1/2 cup of oil (whatever flavor you like)

1 cup of chopped cashews (put on when you serve, not before or they will get soggy)


So, I had to add another pic today. We got the floors half done in the sunroom. I never imagined that laying tiles would be so hard! I guess I was overly ambitious when I thought we could be finished before the weekend was over!


March is certainly coming in like a lion, so here's to hoping it goes out like a lamb! This is the view from my sunroom. I can't wait until summer!


So, we're well into remodeling our sunroom. We got the painting done today and my Mom and hubby hung up the ceiling fan. Have I ever told you how much I hate to paint???