
So how smart is this? Breanna was putting on the face plates in our newly finished sunroom (pictures to come soon!) and she couldn't get the cable end through the face plate. So...she thought it would be smart to pry the end of the cable off with her teeth. Nevermind the fact that she has a mouth full of braces! Leave it to Breanna.=)


Look at what evil thing arrived in my office today. So much for the diet....


So...this kitty showed up on our porch tonight. It has been hanging around the neighborhood this week. My husband looked at me like I had two heads when I told him we should keep it....lol! But, there is a happy ending. My neighbor across the street came over and took him/her/it.


Tyler lounging on my bed this morning. Please ignore the fact that it isn't made-- after all, who has time for that??!!


My son was giving me a hard time getting ready for bed, so I snapped a picture of him. Don't you love how he has taken the sheets off his bed? I have to fight with him to keep the sheets on! Go figure!?


My mom had dinner for us at her house tonight and made this. It is so good and easy to make!

1 Bag of pre-package broccoli slaw

2 Packages of chicken flavored ramen noodles (cook and set flavoring packs aside)

Mix the above and add the dressing

Dressing -

2 flavoring packs from noodles

3/4 cup of sugar

1/4 cup of white vinegar

1/2 cup of oil (whatever flavor you like)

1 cup of chopped cashews (put on when you serve, not before or they will get soggy)


So, I had to add another pic today. We got the floors half done in the sunroom. I never imagined that laying tiles would be so hard! I guess I was overly ambitious when I thought we could be finished before the weekend was over!


March is certainly coming in like a lion, so here's to hoping it goes out like a lamb! This is the view from my sunroom. I can't wait until summer!


So, we're well into remodeling our sunroom. We got the painting done today and my Mom and hubby hung up the ceiling fan. Have I ever told you how much I hate to paint???


This is my hubby. Gee, seems he was in a good mood that day, too! =) This is typical for him in pictures. He doesn't like to smile for pictures...but I love him anyway. Go figure?!!?


Doesn't he look happy? This is pretty typical, too. Just a walking ball of joy sometimes....


This is what I usually get when I try to take Tyler's picture. Isn't this nice?


I like this picture of Breanna. I was moving my camera when I took it, so it's fuzzy. But, it's still a good picture of her!


This is our our current project. I don't know if we've taken on more than we can do or not! This is a picture of part of the sunroom in my house, stripped down. By the end of the weekend I hope to have it painted, the floors done, and the new wood work installed. We went to Lowes tonight and bought the tile and oak wood work. This will be our first time laying tile, so this weekend should be interesting! If it goes bad, I'll be sure to take a picture of my husband walking around with a piece of tile sticking out his butt for everyone to see...haha!


This is my son at his Cub Scout banquet. He had a good time this night. He earned another bead and is almost ready for his Wolf Badge. My husband and I are the leaders for his den. It's been a busy year! Next week we're making walking sticks and as soon as spring gets here we're going to take the boys hiking at Old Man's Cave. It should be interesting keeping a group of 8 year olds together there!!

Bored out of my mind!

This is how I feel today, sitting at home. Maybe I should clean or exercise or something? It's pretty bad when I'm resorting to humiliating pictures!


I'm stuck at home with Breanna today. She still has a huge knot on the back of her head. She's dizzy and sore!!! I woke her up and was going to take her to work with me, but she just doesn't feel like moving. This is her sleeping in the chair in my room. She won't lay back down in bed because it makes her head hurt more! I hate missing work....


Breanna did it again! She fell down at school today and has a HUGE hematoma on the back of her head. Seriously, it's the size of a softball! She also has a small hematoma above her right eye, as well as scrapes and bruises everywhere! I had to leave work early to get her and we spent the entire afternoon/evening in the ER. She had tons of xrays and a CT scan done (...more bills, great!). There was nothing broken, except her ego. I snapped a picture of her in the nextbrace. Doesn't it look great!?? We're back home now, but she is going to be so sore tomorrow! She's trying to talk me into taking her to work with me so she doesn't have to stay home alone....


Wil and Breanna decided to clown around in Lowes. They can't go anywhere without doing this! We were looking at samples of our new hardwood floors. We spent last Saturday at an auction picking them out. Our weekends from here on out are going to be spent working on the stupid things, so I thought this picture to be pretty appropriate for the moment!


Ok, so I guess I should get this thing started! Since I took this picture a few weeks ago it doesn't really count, but I just had to post it. My cat didn't want the dog eating so he layed across the dog's food bowl. He is such a cat pig!